Good UXers are perpetual learners. In an industry that’s constantly changing, keeping up to date with the latest ideas, trends, and skills is essential to being effective at our discipline.
Whether you’re brand new to the UX world or a grizzled veteran, writing about UX can be a great way to both share you knowledge and learn new skills.
That’s why we encourage writers of all skill levels and expertise to write for us.
What Kind of Articles Do We Publish
We believe that UX should be used as a force for good. Our focus is on building a world where UX professionals are essential to creating clear, concise, and beneficial web experiences for all.
We also realize that the world of UX is an evolving industry, with a wide variety of skills and experience that can help our readers grow their own personal tool set.
To that end, we’ll consider any and all pieces submitted to us, but try to focus on those pieces that focus on the positive aspects of UX design.
The Creative Process
Creating a piece is a two-way street. While we ask you to be (relatively) prompt on hitting agreed upon deadlines, we will also provide you with editorial services, brainstorming assistance, and assistance on fleshing out your ideas to create a truly engaging piece.
Every piece we publish includes an author’s byline and photo, and we promote every piece though our Twitter account.
How to Submit an Article or Idea
Whether you’d like to pitch a concept, brainstorm some ideas, or send in a fully-finished article for consideration, please send an email to We respond to every email, usually within a couple of days.